Discover Apartment Rio in the heart of Bydgoszcz at 4 Grottgera Street, located on the top floor of the modern Nordic Heaven building. Designed with comfort in mind for 2 people, the flat offers amazing views of the city skyline. Ideal for culture and nature lovers, with easy access to all attractions in the centre of Bydgoszcz.
The Rio flat is fully equipped, including air conditioning and high-speed fibre-optic internet, making it an excellent choice for both remote work and relaxation. Its central location makes it possible to visit the city’s highlights, such as the Old Market Square, Opera Nova or the picturesque boulevards on the Brda River. We invite you to book and wish you an unforgettable stay!
„15th floor view and a well designed interior. Definitely worth the stay.”
"kein Inhalt"
„Miejsce z piu0119knym widokiem i doskonau0142ym standardem.nPositive: Z pewnou015bciu0105 jeden z lepszych pod wzglu0119dem lokalizacji mini-apartamencik w Bydgoszczy. Piu0119kny widok z 15-stego piu0119tra robi wrau017cenie. Czysto, schludnie, poku00f3j dobrze wyposau017cony. u015awietnie, u017ce jest ekspres do kawy i woda w butelkach. Interfejs meldunkowy przejrzysty, mou017cliwou015bu0107 przedu0142uu017cdnia doby – ru00f3wnieu017c na plus.”
„Positive: Lokalizacja. Widok z okna na XV piu0119trze wspaniau0142y. Bardzo u0142adny wystru00f3j pokoju i u0142azienki. Bardzo uprzejma i pomocna obsu0142uga.nNegative: Przydau0142yby siu0119 mniejsze poduszki albo dodatkowe jau015bki i jakieu015b dwa talerzyki.”
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